NDO Open Forum

In days gone by previous NDO’s held regional workshops around the country. Following the virtual meeting held at the launch of the SAA One Star Diver it is my intention to hold regular on-line open forums.
I am in the process of scheduling the first meeting, if you have a subject you would like to add to the discussion list please email me. This will be a mid-evening session and details will be provided once the date has been set.

Updates to SAA One Star Diver Instructor Material
I thank those instructors providing feedback on the SAA One Star Diver material. I am collating all feedback and plan to issue updated documentation reflecting these changes shortly. However, I have been made aware of some corrections and updates required to the two  PowerPoint presentation which should be made available now. Both the new versions 1.2 are available on the SAA drive for download now. A new version control slide has been added to both these packs which highlight the changes made. I apologise to our instructors for any inconvenience this has caused.

Shared Ideas.
From time to time you hear of a good idea, as regional instructors you pick tips up from course attendees on the courses you are instructing or assessing on – one of the benefits of working on such courses. I am sure that many members have ideas outside of the mainstream training which are passed onto other divers, of all grades. This new slot is intended to share those simple, and not so simple ideas with the membership.

To kick things off I would like to share the following idea from Wendy Holt, Diving Officer of Arnewood Divers Sub Aqua Club no. 435:

  • You can make a very reasonable mini slate from a plastic milk bottle, and with a bit of elastic it fits the wrist very well.
    . Mark out the 10,20,30 etc. minutes to check in permanent marker.

2. Use a 4B pencil to fill in the details.

3. A normal eraser will clean the slate.

Many thanks to Wendy for sharing this with us.

Take care and stay safe.

Steve Orange
SAA National Diving Officer

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