Now that pools are returning to pre covid-19 operating, albeit with some local restrictions, clubs will be looking at how this impacts on their pool sessions.

The first thing, if not already done, is to review your pool operating procedures. The area’s most likely to be reviewed are:

  • Special rules for entry, exit and use of changing rooms introduced in 2020 can now be removed.
  • It is recommend that continued use of face masks within the pool common areas is maintained, some pools will continue to require this.
  • Pool occupancy in most pools have returned to the pre covid-19 levels
  • The clubs risk assessment will need to be reviewed to ensure that they are still relevant. Some updates may be required. The risk of the virus has not gone away and the risk assessment should reflect this.
  • For now the guidance issued for training remains in force, especially around things like air share and CPR practice.

As before your pool procedures should be agreed with your pool operator.

In England there are now no legal restrictions and the other home nations will follow over the next month or so. This is likely to result in local or organisational requirements, such as mandatory use of masks by TfL. Follow the local requirements and be aware of the needs of people around you.

It goes without saying that the way forward is based on the success of the vaccination program. However we have seen that the number of infections are on the increase and while those vaccinated have a greater level of protection and the impact, if infected, is lower there is growing evidence of long Covid. As divers we need to take a little extra care if we want to be able guarantee that we can continue to dive. Those unfortunate enough to contract the virus which results in lung damage run a high risk of not being able to obtain a dive medical going forward.

Take care and stay safe.

Steve Orange
National Diving Officer

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