Continuous training makes better divers

The SAA runs a number of national courses open to members.  These are in addition to the standard club-based courses, such as the standard diver grades, Nitrox, etc. If you are interested in more information, please speak to your CLUB DIVING OFFICER or Regional Representative. Additionally, please find the scheduled course dates here.

The SAA O2 / EDFA Course (Oxygen Administration and Emergency Diver First Aid) introduces the student to the use of oxygen as the primary First Aid procedure for diving related illnesses.The aim of the course is to produce a high standard in the administration of CPR to a diving casualty, to teach and assess the management of emergency situations and satisfy the requirements of an emergency first aid course focused on a diver’s needs.

The course culminates with both practical and theoretical tests to ensure that the required standard has been achieved.

Basic Boat Handling
The Basic Boat Handling course provides theoretical and practical instruction in the safe handling of small powerboats at sea.

Diver Coxswain
The Diver Coxswain five session course provides experienced boat handlers with theoretical and practical instruction to enable them to take charge of small powered craft whilst on diving expeditions.

Chartwork and Navigation
The two day Chartwork and Navigation course provides members with instruction in the use of charts and navigational aids.

Club Instructor
Two-day regionally organised course introducing the candidates to the techniques and safety requirements of classroom & swimming pool lessons.  Dive Leaders and above will be awarded SAA Club Instructor incorporating SAA Club Nitrox Instructor certification on successful completion of the course.


Open Water Instructor
A one day assessment (with additional prior theory sessions of about 3 hours plus written exam) building on skills gained as a Club Instructor and focussing on the additional challenges of training and assessing in open water. There are 2 assessed dives where the candidate is responsible for risk assessments, all dive and accident management plans as well as the actual conduct of the in water sessions. Only SAA Open Water Instructors (or above) can train or assess in open water. SAA OWI is also the entry level for SAA Skills Instructor qualifications.

Rescue Diver
The SAA Rescue Diver two part course provides the candidate with the diving skills and underpinning knowledge to improve or refresh their basic diving skills as well as developing their rescue skills. SAA Rescue Diver is a mandatory qualification for SAA Open Water Instructor.

Self Reliant Diver
This is a one day advanced course looking at self reliance in order to heighten the ability of a diver to deal with incidents themselves during a dive and doing so safely.  It encompasses redundancy of equipment, gas planning and management, equipment configuration, mental attitude and physical skills.

The day consists of about 2 hours theory and 3 open water dives where the theoretical input and techniques are practiced and assessed in open water.  This is not a solo diving course as the SAA does not condone solo diving; indeed planned solo diving is outside our guidelines and as such would be uninsured.

Nitrox Gas Blender
The Nitrox Gas Blender Course will take you through the blending of nitrox in an easy-to-understand format. This course provides the training required to competently blend nitrox gas. The objective of this course is to train candidates in the proper techniques, equipment requirements and hazards involved in blending nitrox gases for recreational scuba diving activities.
The course is one day theory and practical combined.


If you’re interested in any of the courses please check the Course Dates section to find more details. 

What are you waiting for?

Join the Sub-Aqua Association and delve into the wonders of the deep!



The Sub-Aqua Association (SAA) is a recognised diver training agency in the UK which meets BSI standards. The training is delivered by volunteers who give up their time for free, because they want to pass on a love of diving.


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